- 28th and 30th December 2021
- At our second bi-annual general meeting we unanimously agreed to change our status from a legally constituted Stichting to become a more modest informal study group. Our status may have changed, but not our overal aim - to develop and communicate a deeper understanding of R. Steiner's Agriculture Course - and in particular the indications relating to the transmutation of chemical elements refered to in his fifth lecture.
- 31st August 2018
- The experiment with dried fruit has started, and we look forward to being informed of its results.
Dried Fruit Project
Projektskizze Trockenfruechte
- 20th November 2016
- Kervran in a german translation
After many years of waiting the book by Michel Abehsera, which contains a choice of the works of Kervran, is published in the Archivverlag Agraffe.
The translation has been made by Helmut Lasarcyk
Prof. Dr. Helmuth Gebelein wrote an elaborate and clarifying introduction to this translation.The edition was partly sponsored by the late Dr. Joan S. Davis who wanted to awaken people's interest in biological transmutations.
- 16th November 2016
- Networking
- 23rd January 2016

- In memoriam Dr. Joan S. Davis(pdf file)
- 5th October 2011
- Repeat of Herzeele experiment by L.W.J. Holleman in 1933.(pdf file)
- 31st August 2011

Working-translation in english of Herzeele's 'Entstehung der unorganischen Stoffe' 1875 (pdf file)
- 1st September 2011
- 'Biological Transmutation: it's essential Role for Soil Health' This project is an initiative of Dr. Joan S. Davis and Dr. T. Jaeger, see: