Biodynamic Research:

This collection of articles introduces a variety of research which strongly indicates that living organisms, especially with the help of Biodynamic preparations, are capable of cleaning contaminated soil and water, possibly by means of the transmution of chemical isotopes (elements).

The only convincing evidence to have proved that such transmutations are in fact possible (at least under laboratory conditions) has been conducted by the Ukrainian nuclear scientist Vladimir Vysotskii and his Russian colleague Alla Kornilova. Their work is presented here, despite their not having a connection with biodynamics, for the transmutation phenomenon which they have observed is one which we believe lies at the heart of the biodynamic preparations.

Vladimir Ivanovich Vysotskii
A translation of a Russian interview introducing Vysotskii's transmutation research.
Cold Fusion Now! Podcast episode 11 with Dr. Vladimir Vysotskii speaking from Kiev, Ukraine.
A transcript of a more in-depth interview with Cold Fusion researcher Ruby Carat.
Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Biological Systems (short prehistory, phenomenology, experiments, reasons and perspectives)
Presentation to the 18th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science by Vladimir I. Vysotskii (Kiev National Shevchenko University) and Alla A. Kornilova (Moscow State University). The report presents the results of combined examinations of stable and active isotope transmutation processes in growing microbiological cultures.
Synthesis and Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Biological Systems
A recent report (2017) of the work of Kornilova and Vysotskii, which considers the background, theoretical assumptions and results of experiments on nuclear transmutation of stable and radioactive isotopes in growing biological objects. It shows that such fundamental transformations are based on nuclear-physical processes, the course of which is stimulated by the catalytic influence of non-stationary spatial inhomogeneities in the volume of growing living objects. This process can be used both for the accelerated utilization of stable and radioactive nuclei, and for the production of rare isotopes. The conditions for optimizing the deactivation process are investigated. It was found that in the most optimal case the rate of activity decrease in aqueous solutions of radionuclides is accelerated by 35 to 200 times in relation to the natural decay. The physical and biological reasons of these processes are considered.
Barrel Compost with Maria Thun
Barrel Compost (also known as Cow Pat Pit, or Fladen Preparation); "the single most important substance the world has been given since 1924"! An article by Nik Cramer from the Winter 2004/2005 edition of Biodynamics.
Barrel Compost: Bringing Harmony & Balance to the Farm
Another article about Barrel Compost which details the special nature of some of its constituents such as basalt and calcium from eggshells. Written by Dr. William and Lisa Shock, in ACRES, February 2010, Vol. 40, No. 2.
On Biodynamics and Radiation
Written in response to the; "tragic events in Japan and news of increasing radiation fallout around the globe [which] have led to a growing interest in past reports from Europe (primarily) of a possible role of the biodynamic preparations in protecting farms and food from radioactivity. Understandably, this is quite a “hot” topic in biodynamic circles, evoking much debate". Written by Robert Karp, Executive Director of the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, July 12, 2011
Radiation and the Prosperity of Agriculture
"This article details the results... [of] the Biodynamic Research Steering Team's [work to]... procure and evaluate the available research and reports relating to the question of the possible role of the biodynamic preparations in protecting farms and food from radioactivity". By Barry Lia and Maria Linder, Biodynamics, Spring 2014.
Soil to Plant Interface of Uranium
This details research into the problem of the uranium poisoning of chemically fertilised farmland. It is a contaminant of phosphate mineral fertilisers. The authors showed that this toxic heavy metal is a very real danger to human health. By Judith Schick, Susanne Schroetter, Maria Lamas, Maria Rivas, Sylvia Kratz and Ewald Schnug, Loads and Fate of Fertilizer-derived Uranium, pp. 157-167, edited by L.J. De Kok and E. Schnug, 2008, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Effect of Biodynamic Soil Additives on Uranium Uptake by Plants
In which details are given of research on the effects of Maria Thun's biodynamic Fladen preparation on rye grass grown in uranium contaminated soil, and that clearly demonstrated significant results. By Susanne Schroetter, Maria Lamas, Maria Thun and Ewald Schnug, Effect of Biodynamic Soil Additives on Uranium Uptake by Plants, in 'Mineral versus Organic Fertilization: Conflict or Synergism', Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers (CIEC), 16-19 September 2007, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 465-471.
Maria Thun's Fladen, Barrel Compost or Cow Pat Pit Preparation
An introduction to Thun's research into developing. By Susanne Schroetter, Maria Lamas, Maria Thun and Ewald Schnug, Effect of Biodynamic Soil Additives on Uranium Uptake by Plants, in 'Mineral versus Organic Fertilization: Conflict or Synergism', Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers (CIEC), 16-19 September 2007, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 465-471.